Engineering Due Diligence

● Architectural Due Diligence
● Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Services Design & Condition Review
● Civil & Structural Design & Condition Review
● External Facade system Design & Condition Review
● CAPEX & OPEX Cost Review & Estimation

During architectural due diligence, we carry out the following procedures:-
● Visual assessment of the structure, condition of the architectural and
planning-related aspects of the building
● Structures are compared to approved building plans and deviations
are noted (OC / BCC)

  ○ FSI(Floor a Space Index) utilisation
  ○ Potential, balance FSI
  ○ Checking TDR entitlement &  loading of the same
  ○ Zoning regulation
  ○ compliance etc.
● Examine the building for its accessibility to handicapped people.
● Review of fire escapes and fire compartments, as well as code

  ○ Inspect the entire HVAC system for functionality, and
adequateness/surplus capacity.
  ○ Estimate up-gradation requirements functionality-wise and as
per current codes.

  ○ Inspect the plumbing system for functionality, adequacy/surplus capacity, any leak, corrosion of pipes and tanks etc.
  ○ Estimate upgrade requirements based on functionality and current codes.

Fire Protection and fighting system:
  ○ Examine the fire protection and fighting system for functionality and compliance with fire and safety codes.
  ○ Compare existing regulations to what could be required to comply with forthcoming regulations in terms of cost.
○ Examine the safety and applicability of CO2 and other gaseous suppression systems, such as those found in the Main Electrical Switch Room.
Electrical System:
  ○ Inspect the electrical system for condition, functionality, and adequacy/surplus capacity
  ○ Examine Feeders/substation, RMU, Transformers, DG, at type of panels, UPS, earthing, Lightning arrester, etc.
  ○ Provide advice on the building& power factor and strategies for improving it if it is low, along with a cost estimate.
Lifts & Escalators: Examine the lifts and their components,
particularly the ARD to check:
  ○ Any substantial adjustments or retrofits that may be necessary for the next ten years due to market demands, and regulatory requirements.
  ○ Deviations from best practices, or equipment that has reached the end of its useful life.

Car Park System: Analyse the car park automation system and mechanical parking system& serviceability.
Lightning Protection System: Review the system and remark on the equipment & serviceability based on any test reports provided.

Building Automation System: Inspection to confirm that the system is in good working order and that it can be operated automatically.
Others:: It includes the checking of
  ○ The building & public address system & coverage
  ○ The gondola system& serviceability (if any)
  ○ The CCTV system
  ○ The Building Management System
  ○ revolving doors and exits, shutters, fire-stops, and so on.

Building’s life depends on civil and structural design conditions. We help client’s in increasing the life of the building by providing the following services:
● A detailed, complete description of the Civil Engineering system
● Inspection of the building, and condition of the C & S system in the building.
  ○ Compliance with the building code
  ○ All seismic requirements when the building was constructed.
● Identify all:
  ○ Building defects
  ○ Areas of non-compliance with code/regulation and good practices
  ○ Estimate the Cost for repair and implementation of these items and summarise them in a separate section.
● Recommends for tests to be carried out if required.
Water Proofing: Inspect all roofs for the condition of waterproofing. Advice on quality and any repairs are required.

● Examine the curtain wall and external facade to:

  ○ Provide advice on the state of the curtain wall system and the exterior façade.
  ○ Examine the building for any leaks or water seepage.
● Check condition and serviceability of:
  ○ Gasket or sealing system
  ○ Sealant bonding
  ○ Proper application of sealant
● Check the condition of the facade windows
  ○ Rives, a safety catch, a roller, and a rubber gasket to keep the
glass in place
  ○ Any sign of corrosion of its components.
● Calculate the costs and proposed method of glazing replacement.

CAPEX & OPEX cost reviews are essential to ensure the overall financial health of the project. Our experts provide the following services:
  ○ All building Civil, Structural, M&E, and Facade system defects
  ○ Areas of non-compliance with code/regulation and good practices

  ○ The cost and summary in a CAPEX section for repair & implementation of these items
  ○ Cost for up-gradation of the system with new technology and up-gradation to comply with current codes and practice if required.

Tenants’ Interviews: Interview selected tenants with regard to
  ○ The quality standard and reliability in the delivery of building services such as air-conditioning, heating and electrical power supply.

  ○ The interview will provide an alternate source of information for the physical evaluation of the building.

● Architectural Due Diligence
● Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Services Design & Condition
● Civil & Structural Design & Condition Review
● External Facade system Design & Condition Review
● CAPEX & OPEX Cost Review & Estimation

Architectural Due Diligence
During architectural due diligence, we carry out the following procedures:-
● Visual assessment of the structure, condition of the architectural and
planning-related aspects of the building
● Structures are compared to approved building plans and deviations
are noted (OC / BCC)

○ FSI(Floor a Space Index) utilisation
○ Potential, balance FSI
○ Checking TDR entitlement & loading of the same
○ Zoning regulation
○ compliance etc.
● Examine the building for its accessibility to handicapped people.
● Review of fire escapes and fire compartments, as well as code

Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Services Design &
Condition Review

○ Inspect the entire HVAC system for functionality, and
adequateness/surplus capacity.
○ Estimate up-gradation requirements functionality-wise and as
per current codes.

○ Inspect the plumbing system for functionality, adequacy/surplus capacity, any leak, corrosion of pipes and tanks etc.
○ Estimate upgrade requirements based on functionality and current codes.

Fire Protection and fighting system:
○ Examine the fire protection and fighting system for functionality and compliance with fire and safety codes.
○ Compare existing regulations to what could be required to comply with forthcoming regulations in terms of cost.
○ Examine the safety and applicability of CO2 and other gaseous suppression systems, such as those found in the Main Electrical Switch Room.
Electrical System:
○ Inspect the electrical system for condition, functionality, and adequacy/surplus capacity
○ Examine Feeders/substation, RMU, Transformers, DG, at type of panels, UPS, earthing, Lightning arrester, etc.
○ Provide advice on the building& power factor and strategies for improving it if it is low, along with a cost estimate.
Lifts & Escalators: Examine the lifts and their components,
particularly the ARD to check:
○ Any substantial adjustments or retrofits that may be necessary for the next ten years due to market demands, and regulatory requirements.
○ Deviations from best practices, or equipment that has reached the end of its useful life.

Car Park System: Analyse the car park automation system and mechanical parking system& serviceability.
Lightning Protection System: Review the system and remark on the equipment & serviceability based on any test reports provided.

Building Automation System: Inspection to confirm that the system is in good working order and that it can be operated automatically.
Others:: It includes the checking of
○ The building & public address system & coverage
○ The gondola system& serviceability (if any)
○ The CCTV system
○ The Building Management System
○ revolving doors and exits, shutters, fire-stops, and so on.

Civil & Structural Design & Condition Review
Building’s life depends on civil and structural design conditions. We help client’s in increasing the life of the building by providing the following services:
● A detailed, complete description of the Civil Engineering system
● Inspection of the building, and condition of the C & S system in the building.
○ Compliance with the building code
○ All seismic requirements when the building was constructed.
● Identify all:
○ Building defects
○ Areas of non-compliance with code/regulation and good practices
○ Estimate the Cost for repair and implementation of these items and summarise them in a separate section.
● Recommends for tests to be carried out if required.
Water Proofing: Inspect all roofs for the condition of waterproofing. Advice on quality and any repairs are required.

External Façade system Design & Condition Review
● Examine the curtain wall and external facade to:

○ Provide advice on the state of the curtain wall system and the exterior façade.
○ Examine the building for any leaks or water seepage.
● Check condition and serviceability of:
○ Gasket or sealing system
○ Sealant bonding
○ Proper application of sealant
● Check the condition of the facade windows
○ Rives, a safety catch, a roller, and a rubber gasket to keep the
glass in place
○ Any sign of corrosion of its components.
● Calculate the costs and proposed method of glazing replacement.

​​CAPEX & OPEX Cost Review & Estimation
CAPEX & OPEX cost reviews are essential to ensure the overall financial health of the project. Our experts provide the following services:
○ All building Civil, Structural, M&E, and Facade system defects
○ Areas of non-compliance with code/regulation and good practices

○ The cost and summary in a CAPEX section for repair & implementation of these items
○ Cost for up-gradation of the system with new technology and up-gradation to comply with current codes and practice if required.

Tenants’ Interviews: Interview selected tenants with regard to
○ The quality standard and reliability in the delivery of building services such as air-conditioning, heating and electrical power supply.

○ The interview will provide an alternate source of information for the physical evaluation of the building.

  • Date: November 13, 2020
  • Category: